Sustainable Kingston does its best to walk-the-talk when it comes to sustainability. Every event is an opportunity to showcase the value of sustainability and the many simple and effective ways we can work to build a more livable and resilient city.

The second annual Evening of Recognition is no different, and we are proud to showcase several initiatives that will reduce the environmental impact of the event and promote Sustainable Kingston's Six Priority Areas.  

Keep reading to learn how Sustainable Kingston is doing its best to walk-the-talk!

Food Security- ZERO Waste

To address issues of Environmental Stewardship and local Food Security Sustainable Kingston has partnered with the City of Kingston and Loving Spoonful to make the event waste free.

Volunteers from Loving Spoonful will deliver surplus food to local organizations through their Fresh Food Delivery program.

Event waste will be actively sorted and diverted from landfill with support from the City of Kingston's Solid Waste Depart.

A vegan meal will be served to further reduce the event's environmental impact.


carbon zero logo.

Climate Action- Carbon Neutral

Through the purchase of carbon offsets the Evening of Recognition will be a carbon neutral. 

2 tonnes of offsets have been retired from the Southern Quebec Afforestation Project. Click here for more details.

Sustainable Kingston is proud to recognize Carbonzero as its official offset sponsor. 

Economic Prosperity- Local Beer

Sustainable Kingston is partnering with three local breweries to showcase the vibrancy of Kingston's local economy.

King's Town Beer Company, the MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Company, and Kingston newcomer the Spearhead Brewing Company are each providing sponsored product at the event. 


Living Rooms logo.

Environmental Stewardship- Sustainable Kingston Awards

In partnership with the Living Rooms Ecological Living + Building, the Sustainable Kingston Awards have been designed with reused and non-toxic materials. 

Environmental Stewardship- Planting Trees

Through a generous donation from the Cataraqui Conservation Authority and a partnership with Root Radical CSA, 50 trees will be be planted after the event to create a shelter belt at a local organic farm.

A sense of Community- Supporting Local Artists

Downtown Trio logo.

To celebrate local art and culture Sustainable Kingston is proud to showcase Kingston's very own Downtown Trio. This talented 3-piece set will provide live music throughout the event. 

Sustainable Transportation- Electric Vehicle ShowCase

Courtesy of the members of Winter Green Studios and with support from Plug'n'Drive there will be an electric vehicle showcase outside Ban Righ Hall during the event. 

Winter Green Studio's logo.