At Sustainable Kingston we are building a movement of organizations, businesses, and individuals committed to building a more livable and resilient Kingston.

Together we are taking direct, local action against Climate Change. 

A group of people collecting waste as a part of Pitch-In.

Join our Program 

Is your business ready to take the step towards sustainability? Join and we’ll provide the support and recognition your businesses needs to begin measuring and reducing your carbon footprint.

A man in a suit delivering a speech on stage.

SPonsor an Event

Want to help educate and inform the people of Kingston about sustainability and climate change? Show your support, build the local sustainability movement, and help bring expert knowledge to Kingston by sponsoring  the annual Evening of Recognition or the Kingston Climate Change Symposium.

A group of people laughing while at the Climate change symposium.

VOlunteer with us

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to give back? Want to develop your professional skills and build your personal network? Join the team and help make Kingston a more livable and resilient city. There is always work to do!