Kingston Hosts National Smart Energy Conference

Energy experts from across Canada and New York will be sharing their expertise on climate related topics.

For the first time in Ontario, Kingston Economic Development is thrilled to host the Smart Energy Conference in partnership with Jameson Group and EventWorx Corporation on January 26 and 27, 2021.

“We’re thrilled to host energy experts from across Canada and New York as part of the Smart Energy Conference” says Mayor Paterson. “As a city, we’re committed to demonstrating leadership on climate action. Being able to host this event, where we can exchange ideas and learn about best practices and the newest innovations, is a great opportunity and will help us further our goals as a city.”

“In 2019, City Council declared a climate emergency in Kingston, and we are pleased to be aligning with Council’s priorities by demonstrating leadership on climate action by starting conversations around reducing greenhouse gas emissions locally,” says Donna Gillespie, CEO, Kingston Economic Development Corporation. “The new Integrated Economic Development Strategy recognizes that as existing businesses are redefined, and new businesses emerge as a result of COVID-19, a climate action and sustainability lens should be included in assessing new and expanded business activities.”

Over the two-day gathering, delegates will be encouraged to provide input on shaping a “Net-Zero Community” through an interactive platform. Smart Energy Kingston 2021 will highlight innovative technologies, projects and proven trends so an audience consisting of: municipal energy planners, managers, administrators, academia, industry, startups, investors, and institutional consumers from neighbouring communities.

“Economic recovery from COVID 19 through decarbonization is endorsed by global think tanks, companies, and investors. It is extraordinary that Kingston is able to offer this Smart Energy Kingston Conference, as it is the first time in Ontario and also highlights the momentum from local initiatives, including: GhG reduction, energy diversification, and cleantech investment from the award winning company Li-Cycle,” says, Andrew Bacchus, Business Development Officer, Emerging Sectors, Kingston Economic Development Corporation.

Smart Energy Event is a well-established conference, now in its 17th year hosting hundreds of attendees. Smart Energy Kingston 2021 will be the first time the Smart Energy brand is held in Ontario.

 “We are thrilled to highlight the net zero ecosystem being fostered in Kingston, as Kingston’s model is really something to be worth sharing with the rest of Canada. Jameson Group and EventWorx Corporation are pleased to partner with Kingston Economic Development to host Smart Energy Kingston, as events like this are an exceptional way to promote this ecosystem, the companies supporting it and of course all of the work the City of Kingston is undertaking to create a net zero community and also grow an exciting new sector.” Says Wes Scott, the President and CEO of EventWorx Corporation.

The goal of the Smart Energy Conference in 2021 is to highlight the important work and projects taking place in Kingston, Ontario to a national audience.  

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