4 Natural Ways to Improve Your Health Now

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Is better health top of mind for you lately? You’re not alone. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, more people than ever are focused on lifestyle changes to improve their health. Whether you’d like to look better, feel better, or perform better, there are plenty of natural options that can help you truly live out a healthier life. Read on to learn four of our favourite tips.

Look Better

When it comes to improving your appearance, there are a lot of not-so-natural options on the market. The health and beauty industry runs rampant with chemical-packed skincare, supplements with mysterious ingredients, as well as surgeries and injectables. And unfortunately, the ingredient lists for beauty products are packed with scientific names that are virtually impossible to understand. If you’re looking for a natural way to look better, we’re here to help!

Drink Water

It may be a cliche but increasing your water consumption can help with so many aspects of your health, including your appearance.  

Have you ever woken up dehydrated and thought to yourself, “Do I look older?” That’s because you probably do. Water is central to collagen production, which maintains the tautness of your skin and lips. Dehydration can cause your skin to look dull and sag, increasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin elastic and hydrated, leaving it looking plump and healthy.

This can be made easy with a reusable water bottle. Not only are you reducing your plastic waste and carbon footprint, but you inevitably save money avoiding constantly having to buy water bottles. Environmentally-friendly and hydrated? Yes, please!

Perform Better

For athletes, performance is everything. When it comes to improving performance, so much of what’s available is unnatural and downright dangerous. Between performance-enhancing steroids and dangerous lifestyles that promote supposed peak performance, efforts to perform better can feel like a minefield. Fear not! Here is our favorite and easiest way to boost your performance now.

Eat for Improved Athletic Performance

It’s true; you really are what you eat. When it comes to boosting performance, the best place to look may just be your diet. The food that you eat has a significant impact on your energy and performance.

Use these guidelines to improve your performance with changes in your diet:

  • Opt for complex carbs like whole grains and brown rice over simple carbs, like white bread and potatoes

  • Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables to optimize your vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more

  • Increase your consumption of omega-3 rich foods like flax seeds

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Feel Better

One of the greatest rewards of improving your health is that it just makes you feel better. Proper health improves your mood, memory, attention span, cognitive ability, and more. Check out our favorite way to instantly feel better!

Optimize Your Sleep

Okay, another cliche. But it’s true! One of the most straightforward ways to feel better is by getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential to your body’s most basic functions. It gives your body the opportunity to repair your heart and blood vessels, protecting you against heart attacks, high blood pressure, and more. It also protects your immune system; studies show that those with chronic lack of sleep also suffer from sudden illness.

Improve your sleep tonight with the following tips:

  • Establish a bedtime and waking time and stick to it, even on weekends

  • Turn off all blue-light emitting screens an hour before bedtime to prevent disruptions to your circadian rhythm

  • Consider installing blackout shades if you live in a particularly bright area

  • Cut back on your caffeine intake and don’t consume any caffeine after 1 PM

  • Limit your naps to 15-20 minutes

Live Better

Not only is it important to focus on your own personal health but also the health of our planet. You’ll find that by living out a more sustainable life can directly impact your health in a positive way. Pursing an eco-friendlier life helps protect our environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. What we’re trying to get at is a healthy plant means a healthy you!

Go Greener

From growing your own produce to opting to walk instead of driving your car, making small and more sustainable changes in your lifestyle, like these, can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. Finding ways to be more sustainable in your life takes time but it’s important to educate yourself and remember that your decisions have an impact on our planet. Going green is a great look on anyone!


When you feel your best you can enjoy your life to the fullest, at any age. With these tips in mind, you can lead a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. We recommend starting with one major change and then, once you have that habit down, try another, and so on. That way you can adjust as you go and find solutions that work for you, without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, change isn’t instant, but with patience, the results will pay off.

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Matt Casadona

Matt Casadona has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. He is currently a contributing editor for 365 Business Tips. Matt is passionate about marketing and business strategy and enjoys the San Diego life, traveling and music.