2024 Sustainable Kingston Awards

The Sustainable Kingston Awards are presented each year to local individuals and organizations to recognize their hard work in mitigating the climate emergency and fostering a culture of sustainability in the Kingston community.

The nominations for the 2024 Sustainable Kingston Awards are now open!

Nominate an individual/student, class, or organization in the form below you want to see recognized for their commitment to sustainability in Kingston.

Award categories include:

Sustainability Champion: Awarded to an individual in our community who has shown outstanding commitment to Sustainable Kingston’s six priority areas. 

Youth Sustainability Champion: Awarded to 2 individuals in the community, one from K-12 and one post-secondary student, who have shown outstanding commitment to Sustainable Kingston’s six priority areas.

Environmental Innovator Award: Awarded to an individual/business/organization that has made innovative changes to their products, services, or processes to generate long-term social and environmental benefits. This innovation could have contributed to sustainable business practices or engaged in a new systems-thinking approach.

For more information regarding the Sustainable Kingston awards, please contact Geoff Hendry at geoff@sustainablekingston.com.

Nomination Form